
Australians urged not to delay treatment because of Covid-19

Australians urged not to delay treatment because of Covid-19

 According to a recent article found in the Australian Physiotherapy Association website, Australians have led the world in flattening the Covid-19 curve through social distancing and restrictions.  The article below does highlight that it should not come at a cost to Australians health. Now as most of the country is under various social distancing restrictions, physios have been deemed an essential service.  Allied health professionals like Physiotherapists are employing stricter hygiene control standards than ever before to ensure patient and practitioner safety.   Masks, eye protection, reception screens, social distancing waiting rooms, covid-19 specialist cleaners and products like Clinic Armour all form a best practice...

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Disinfectants for use against COVID-19

Disinfectants for use against COVID-19

  Many cleaning products claim to be effective against virus and COVID-19. This is not true.   You need to ensure you are aware of the difference between general cleaning and sanitisation.   General cleaning is effective against soiling, and often effective in antibacterial cleaning. Many products will claim to be 99.99% effective against bacteria.  These may do little in the terms of sanitisation or anti-viral treatment.   We strongly suggest to only use TGA approved COVID proven cleaning products.   Click here to view the TGA approved cleaning products. ClinicArmour uses Carrflex Extreme fabric -  see the list of safe and approved cleaning products...

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Ten Improvement Checklist for reducing your COVID risks

Ten Improvement Checklist for reducing your COVID risks

Print out our top ten COVID cleaning tips

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Our Clinics COVID experience

Our Clinics COVID experience

Darren Ross-  Director Physica    Operating three clinics with over 25 physios during the COVID pandemic has been a challenging and stressful experience, to say the least.  When the pandemic first hit Australia in March, the first thing we did was to assess our clinic hygiene to ensure our patients had the safest environment to attend for therapy. If you asked me to rate our clinics' hygiene systems before this, I would have rated it as a 9/10. I thought that the changes we would have made would have been small to take it to the 10/10 we strived for...

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