Save cost and reduce your carbon footprint


Every day we are being told that our covers are saving time and money on laundering. Last week one medical clinic fitted out a medical clinic with five beds for the weekly cost of a professional laundry service for the entire clinic. From their end, they were using a new sheet per client per bed.
Factor this over the recommended life of a cover being three years, and this clinic will save 155 weeks of laundering. This is not including staff time!!

One thing I have always loved doing is removing jobs at our clinic that people don't like doing.

Years ago, when we used clinical paper notes, we did our annual staff reviews. The one task our admin team hated to do was pulling out medical records. The joy that arrived when we went paperless was amazing. Job satisfaction went up, and so did productivity as we could reallocate the hours wasted to other tasks.
Using Clinic Armour has done the same and reduced our laundering across three sites by 60-70%. No longer do our admin team need to manage washers and dryers between a busy diary. Let alone the savings.


In most clinics what are the savings?

The cost of a wash per cycle is $1
The cost of using a dryer per cycle is $2

Staff time removing/fitting  new bedding/laundering approx. 1 hour per cycle for a 5-6 person clinic. The average wage of an admin person would be $25.

Allow $28 per cycle.

Most clinics will average 3-5 wash cycles per week , so $84 -140 per week of laundry time.

This does not include the purchase or maintenance of the  machine.   Clinic Armour products are designed to wash and wipe down.   

We have had feedback that using Clinic Armour can reduce up to 70% of most clinics laundry.

The maths shows that the outlay for Armouring your clinic will save you money and time.

If you stop using Paper pillow covers?

Paper pillow covers 0.14c each.

A pillow cover would pay for itself after 350 clients if a practitioner averaged 50 patient per week—breakeven 7 weeks.  

If you stop using paper bed covers - Bed paper cover $1.20 each

Breakeven of an examination table cover, when compared to paper, is around 100 clients or two weeks. Paper bed towel. 

If you use a laundering service, you can check your invoice and do the maths yourself.

You do need to consider the costs of cleaning agents. We recommend some environmentally friendly options, which are also very cost-effective.

Saving time and money is one thing. But also imagine the environmental saving you make in reduced water and electricity. Your clinic's carbon foot-print can reduce drastically whilst improving client protection.

Just think of the extra time you can spend on building your clinic.






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